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Reverse Lookup

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Cingular Cell Phone Reverse Lookup Directory That Works

What is a reverse lookup? It is simply put, a way of determining a person's identity when they contact you via phone calls, emails and cell phones. If you have a strange call during the night you can always "star sixty-nine" their number and call them back but this doesn't help you to find out who they are. Many people want more information on a call such as the persons name and address or company details.

So are there any free reverse lookup sites? Unfortunately I have never seen one which is free. Many companies will conduct a free reverse phone lookup; the only problem is that they won't give you the results until you pay for them. The costs for these companies vary quite a lot, anywhere from $10 - $20 Per Result.

This is a little bit contradictory considering they lure you in with the thought of getting the service for free. But they are not breaking any laws or lying to you when they say free. The fact is that they are doing exactly what they said, which is conducting a free lookup search; you just have to pay if you want see the information which they found from the search.

Don't get too disheartened though, there are some very good companies out there who will go above and beyond to get you the information you are looking for. Services vary a lot, some companies will only give you the details that they themselves have found in the phone book, but there are companies which provide the full list of details which you require.

I personally recommend using the paid membership services. This membership usually comes with unlimited searches and costs a fraction of pay per search sites. The second reason that the membership sites are further recommended is that they seem to respond a lot quicker to emails as they have a staff on hand to deal with any new sign up problems.

Remember, a reverse lookup is not just for use on phones, but also on email addresses and cell phones.
If you would like to know more about the full range of services available then take a look here - Reverse Lookup
Lots more information and resources are available at my website - Reverse Lookup

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